Healthcare consumables

icare can pay for healthcare consumables needed due to a motor accident or workplace injury for participants in the Lifetime Care Scheme or workers in the Workers Care Program

As of July 1, 2023, Independence Australia is a part of icare consumables provider panel.

How to Order ?

What are healthcare consumables?

Healthcare consumables are products that are intended to be used up quickly and are then disposed of. They are often single or short-term use products.

icare provides healthcare consumables to participants and workers so they can manage the injury-related continence, wound care, respiratory, nutritional and skin integrity needs. Examples include catheters, dressings for wounds, gloves and enteral feeds.

consumables image
consumables panel

Consumables Panel

icare has a consumables Panel to supply healthcare consumables for people in Lifetime Care and Workers Care. Consumables are to be sourced exclusively from the panel, unless there is a need for a product not supplied by the panel.


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Please note: All non-consumable equipment, for example pressure stockings, BP monitors, waterproof seat or bed covers, can be ordered through EasyOrder.

Professional qualifications and experience of prescribers

You need to be a health professional with recognised experience relevant to the consumables you prescribe and to the person’s injury type and management program to be able to assess a person’s injury-related needs and complete the consumables prescription.

For example:

    • Continence: For people with neurogenic bladder and bowel, this is generally a Clinical Nurse consultant or Clinical Nurse Specialist in SCI, TBI, rehabilitation or disability. Otherwise, a Continence Nurse Advisor can prescribe continence products.
    • Respiratory: Registered nurse in respiratory care.
    • Nutrition: Registered Dietitian.

Completing a consumables request

icare provides healthcare consumables to participants and workers so they can manage their injury-related continence, respiratory, nutritional and skin integrity needs. The consumables forms collect information on:

    • current and proposed management protocol of the continence, respiratory, skin integrity and/or nutrition related to the participant or worker’s injury-related needs the consumables products needed .
    • changes to management protocol and products to be added or removed .
    • the quantity and frequency of consumables provision in line with best practice, manufacturer’s guidelines and clinical assessment .
    • the timeframe for which the prescription applies, including a review date based on the participant or worker’s needs.
assessments for new or revised prescriptions

Comprehensive assessments for new or revised prescriptions

The consumables prescription and order forms must be used following a consumables assessment:

    • for new prescriptions
    • when a consumables program is reviewed; or
    • when there are significant changes to a program (for example, new bladder or bowel programs, more than six products to be added or removed).

    Use the following forms following a comprehensive assessment:

    Minor variations to a prescription and order

    The consumable variation forms may be used when a prescription has already been completed and there is a need to add or change items in a person’s prescription before the next review. The prescription and order variation forms are used for minor variations only between comprehensive assessments.

    If the person requires frequent or multiple changes to their consumables order, then consider a full review of the person’s consumables prescription.

    Where the person requires approved products within the quantity previously prescribed but before their next scheduled order delivery, a consumables variation form is not required. You can request these items directly from the consumables provider.

    Minor variations to a prescription and order